Board Member Spotlight: Phyllis Stinson

Board Member Spotlight: Phyllis Stinson

January 25, 2023 Member Spotlight
Phyllis Stinson

Phyllis Stinson has spent much of her adult life living and working overseas – first as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Central Africa and later with her husband and three children in Senegal, the Philippines, and Uzbekistan.

She moved to Middlebury in 2022 and immediately began volunteering with the Middlebury Skatepark Project to promote unstructured, unscheduled, and unsupervised play and to help young people build resilience and independence. Fast forward half a year and Phyllis is the Vice President of the Middlebury Skatepark Project.

She is also the community partnership committee lead and has developed relationships with the United Way of Addison County, specifically the PEEPS coalition, the CHILL Foundation, the Bristol Hub, and a subset of Middlebury College students working with the Middlebury Skatepark Project.

We are an all volunteer organization and we owe any progress that we make to our active Middlebury Skatepark Coalition members. Thank you Phyllis!